
Ride to Care has a new way to schedule hospital discharges! Now, hospitals can use the CloudTrans Portal! to get access to this new CloudTrans Portal please reach out to R2CDischargeportal@gmr.net to schedule a demo and training. Once you have an account created, please visit https://comtrans.cloudtrans.biz to schedule trips for members getting discharged from a hospital.

Ride to Care staff monitor this portal 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

We have sunset the use of the old Hospital Discharge form as of September 1st, 2024. Please use the CloudTrans Portal linked above and let us know if you have any questions by calling us at 855-321-4899 or 503-416-3955, and select option 3 for the same day and after hours call center.

If a member needs to cancel their trip, you can help them do so by using the Trip Cancellation Form. Please only use this form to cancel trips 48 hours or more in advance. Call Ride to Care for cancellations within 48 hours of the trip. When you call, select option 1 to leave a voicemail to cancel a trip, or remain on the line to speak to a representative.

 Tools for providers


For more information about these forms, click on the forms below for a description or click here to view a list of member forms. Documents are available in multiple languages. Please expand the sections below for options. Don't see the language you need? Please contact CareOregon Customer Service to request the desired language.

Phone: 503-416-4100, toll-free 800-224-4840 or TTY 711.
Email: customerservice@careoregon.org.
Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday.

Appointment of Representative form

Hospital Discharge Form

The old Hospital Discharge Form was sunset on September 1st, 2024. Please use the CloudTrans Portal at https://comtrans.cloudtrans.biz.

The CloudTrans Portal is used to schedule a hospital discharge on behalf of a member. Trip requests submitted through the portal are monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Follow-up transportation logistics will be prioritized by requested discharge time.

NEMT Overview

Submit feedback or call on a member's behalf

Health care providers are able to schedule trips for a member or submit feedback, such as a complaint, on their behalf. 

To schedule a trip, call Ride to Care at 855-321-4899, 503-416-3955 or TTY 711:

  • Select option 2 to schedule a future trip

  • Select option 3 to schedule a same-day trip

To submit feedback, you can call or submit it online.  For more information about grievances and feedback, click here.

Key Program Information

Health Share providers and their staff play an important role within the Ride to Care program when working with members who often experience barriers of one kind or another. Keeping clinic leadership and patient-facing teams informed about the Ride to Care program helps us all better support members utilizing the program.

Update member information before we schedule trips. We want to ensure that Health Share members are receiving the best, most cost-effective services for their transportation needs. 

When members call us to schedule a trip, we’ll ask about their transportation resources and situation, including the items below.  If you are helping to schedule members’ trips, we may ask you about this information as well:

  • If a member has four or more stairs they are unable to go up or down by themselves, please tell us how many stairs the member needs to navigate.

  • Please tell us if a member needs oxygen or any other medical monitoring or assistance during transport. Ride to Care will ask if there is oxygen or other medical services available at the member’s destination.

  • Please tell us if a member needs a stretcher provided, i.e., if they are unable to support themselves upright during transport. Ride to Care will ask if they have a place to transfer at their destination.

  • Any mobility device or special vehicle needs.

  • Any medical or mental health conditions preventing the member from using public transportation or driving.

  • The member’s access to public transportation.

  • Whether the member can drive themselves to appointments, or have family or friends drive them.

  • Any attendants or others traveling with the member, including minors requiring car seats.

    • We cannot provide car seats for members. Drivers may not help install or remove a car seat. Members must take the car seat with them when they leave the vehicle. The driver cannot keep a car seat in the vehicle for a member.

  • Any special modifications to the trip based on the member’s needs, history or circumstances.

As part of this process, we may ask medical providers to:

  • Confirm appointments.

  • Provide more information about a member’s transportation needs.

These questions help us make sure members receive the best service for their needs. 

Receive notices of denied NEMT benefits (OAR 410-141-3920). The state requires coordinated care organizations such as Health Share to send a notice of adverse benefit determination (NOABD) to the member within 72 hours of each denial of service.  Transportation service denials do not necessarily mean the medical service the member was receiving was not covered, however at times we may deny transportation if Ride to Care cannot determine if the member is attending or receiving a covered service.

If you would like more information about the reason a member’s transportation service was denied, please call us.  If you are the provider the member was scheduled with, we can send you a copy of the NOABD upon request.

Feedback and Questions

We’re here to help. If you have any questions about the program, feedback, or a complaint about any part of a member’s transportation services, you can contact Ride to Care’s Customer Service or fill out our online Transportation Grievance and Feedback form. You may also contact Health Share’s Customer Service if you do not want to share directly with Ride to Care, or you need help knowing how to proceed.

Please call us immediately if there are any issues related to a scheduled hospital discharge.  If there are other issues complicating a member’s transportation, or the member has missed their ride, call Ride to Care for assistance.

If you call, we’ll ask for:

  • Member’s name and date of birth.

  • Name of the driver and/or the name of the transportation company if you know it.

  • The date of the incident or experience, if applicable.

  • Identifying trip information.

  • Member’s Health Share Member ID number.

Ride to Care Customer Service
Phone: 503-416-3955 or toll-free 855-321-4899
TTY: 711
Business hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays

  • Select option 2 to schedule a future trip

  • Select option 3 to schedule a same-day trip

  • Select option 4 to submit a complaint or other feedback

Health Share Customer Service
Phone: 503-416-8090 or toll-free 888-519-3845
TTY: 711
Business Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday

More information

Health Share members trust their providers as a reliable source of information beyond their health care. Please check out our Member Forms and Guides page to learn more about the Ride to Care program.

If patients have questions you cannot easily answer, please encourage them to call Ride to Care.